The ingredients you need is 2 chicken breasts, a packet of bacon, blue cheese, salad, tomatoes, cucumber and fet acheese.

First heat oven to 225 degrees and then start filling those chicken breasts. Use sharp knife to cut openings to chicken breasts.

Then take the blue cheese and crumble it. Then fill the chicken breasts with it.

After filling those chickens, take bacon stripes and frap bacon around chicken breasts. One breast takes about 4-5 bacon stripes. Now chickens are ready for oven. Keep them in the oven about 20 minutes.

While those chicken breasts are in the oven, you have time to make salad. Wash ingredients well and then slice them with sharp knife.

After slicing ingredients you can already put them on plates to wait for chicken breasts.

When bacons get nice brown/gold color being in oven about 20 minutes, you can take chickens out.

If you are not sure that chickens are already cooked, you can slice it and check the color. You can see that blue cheese is nicely melted inside. If the chicken is still red, put it back to oven for a while.

When chicken is well cooked, serve it with salad you already made. Add some feta cheese and salad dressing on salad if you like. Don't forget that big class of milk. Easy and delicious. ENJOY!!!